New appointments to the EFCA Board of Directors
Welcome to the new Director General of EFCA
A new logo unveiled
The 2022 General Assembly Meeting of the European Federation of Engineering Consultancy Associations (EFCA), held in Paris on 10 June 2022, has appointed Inés Ferguson, Director of Business Development at TYPSA (Spain), President- Elect for the 2022-2023 period (see press release in annex). Benoît Clocheret (Artelia, France) is continuing in his capacity as President for the business federation which represents professional engineering consultancy and related services in 28 European countries.
Philippe Van Troeye, CEO Tractebel Engineering (Belgium), becomes Director and Treasurer.
Johan Dozzi, President and CEO of Tyréns Group AB (Sweden) and Despina Kallidromitou, President & Managing Director of EPSILON SA (Greece), are appointed Director.
Sue Arundale will join EFCA as from 1 July 2022 and take over as EFCA’s Director General on 1 August 2022. The current Secretary General, Jan Van der Putten, will then become an adviser to Sue up to the end of September 2022.
Benoît Clocheret, EFCA President since June 2020 said ‘I am extremely pleased to welcome a new President Elect and new names to the Board. Together we will ensure that the federation is bringing added value to the member associations and highlighting the industry’s forefront position in leading efforts to achieving the European Green Deal to policy makers. I am also delighted to welcome our new Director General in only a few weeks and am looking forward to working together to ensure the delivery of effective actions and enhanced communications.’
Benoît Clocheret added: ‘I would like to take the opportunity of thanking those who have now left the EFCA Board of Directors. They helped the federation through unique and difficult circumstances.’
Magnus Höij announced the launch of the new logo: ‘Our federation has grown and the industry evolved over the years. We felt it was time for a change. We have refreshed our logo to reflect who we are today and to symbolise our future.
EFCA (www.efcanet.org) - Jan Van der Putten, EFCA Secretary General (+32 2 209 07 70; +32 476 554 060)